Introduction to Meva

Meva is a free medico-scientific data mining web service acting as a post-processor for biblio­graphic MED­LINE data.

How to consult Meva? Search in PubMed and save your articles in PubMed format as a local file. Enter file name and biblio­graphic fields of inter­est in Meva. Restrict ana­lysis with filters, min. fre­quen­cies or first / last authors. Finally, sub­mit the form.

What will Meva return? Meva condenses MED­LINE results by presenting counts, fre­quen­cy distri­butions, contingencies (relations) and sorted detail lists of selected bibliographic fields. A MeSH tree may be displayed along with term counts and codes. Results can be delivered in HTML or in a database format.

A click on the red sections in the flow chart below will lead to the respective documents:

PubMed form Meva form Meva result example Data flow map

Development reasons. The idea was born in the Institute for Med. Statistics and Epi­demio­logy of the TU Munich. The objective was to facilitate the evaluation of PubMed search results, e.g. “Who has published about what?” or “Which therapies exist?”

A long article list from PubMed is hard to analyse, field relations are invisible. But this list is more informative than you may think!

First steps. The Result Help explains a Meva report. The Form Help assists with advanced analysis features. Finally, consult Meva.

Additional information. The Field Help details all field types available in PubMed and Meva. FAQ, Toolbox, Glossary and History clarify further aspects of usage, important terms and development of Meva.

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